domingo, 11 de febrero de 2018

Go back in time with DNA Center Assurance

You probably won't fight in an epic battle, but you can travel back in time to troubleshoot your wired and wireless networks. Watch the video for more:

Los usuarios afectados por problemas del Pixel original demandan a Google

¿Lo recuerdas? Cuando todavía estamos saboreando los últimos análisis de la gama Pixel 2, su predecesor reivindica un inesperado protagonismo y es que un grupo de usuarios del Pixel original ha presentado una demanda contra...

Microsoft: Empowering Innovation

With innovative technology such as artificial intelligence and mixed reality, we have more power at our fingertips than entire generations that came before us. Yet, technology is just a tool, and a tool is only as useful as the person who wields it. We’re celebrating individuals and organizations using Microsoft technology to change lives, inspiring us all to see the possibility within emerging technologies. Learn more at: Audio description version: Narrated by: Common

Consumer Reports advierte: tu smart TV te vigila

No es la primera vez que nos enfrentamos a una polémica de estas características: los televisores inteligentes pueden contar con sistemas de escucha activa mediante los cuales puedas ejecutar comandos de voz; esta útil prestación...

This gadget lets you scratch and play vinyl without a needle

French company MWM has announced a new product called Phase that sits on your turntable and allows you to DJ vinyl without the use of a needle. Phase wirelessly translates a record’s movements into timecode, which can then be read by Digital Vinyl System (DVS) software like Serato and Traktor. Subscribe: Check out our full video catalog: Visit our playlists: Like The Verge on Facebook: Follow on Twitter: Follow on Instagram: Read More:

Freemium: cómo he sobrevivido cargando mis dispositivos sin tocar un enchufe

Un viaje inesperado me trastocó todos los planes. Tocaba salir con urgencia y sin pasar por casa en un viaje que, además, se prolongó más de lo esperado. Con las prisas ocurrió la peor pesadilla: me había dejado...

[Product] Bring The Heat feat AORUS Z370 Gaming Motherboards

Bring the heat...but keep your motherboards cool ❄️ Tune in to Episode #2 of AORUS Top 5 where we go head to head to see out who's the hottest fighter among the team. Stay cool with the AORUS Z370 Gaming lineup: - Follow GIGABYTE on social media: