domingo, 7 de mayo de 2017

2017 Ford GT [360 VR]

Test video
by SlashGear via Endless Supplies .Mx - Brands

Dell EMC VDI Complete Solutions

Introducing Dell EMC VDI Complete Solutions for desktop and application virtualization Dell EMC VDI Complete Solutions combine the infrastructure, software, and the option of thin clients and services from a single vendor with flexible consumption models through Dell Financial Services. The solution, powered by VMware Horizon software, is based on VxRail Appliances or VSAN ReadyNodes so that customers can build their own VDI solution or buy a pre-configured end-to-end solution with a single number for support. The solutions provide straightforward, predictable pricing and exceptional total cost of ownership to reduce the barriers to VDI adoption. Learn more: :
by Dell via Endless Supplies .Mx - Brands

2017 Ford GT: 3 coolest features

Ford Performance Chief Engineer, Jamal Hameedi walks us through what he thinks are the three coolest features on the new GT.
by SlashGear via Endless Supplies .Mx - Brands

BlindPAD’s tablet for the vision-impaired

An innovative new tablet that uses magnetically configurable bumps may prove to be a powerful tool for translating information like maps and other imagery to a modality more easily accessed by the visually impaired. Read more: TechCrunch is a leading technology media property, dedicated to obsessively profiling startups, reviewing new Internet products, and breaking tech news. Subscribe to TechCrunch today:
by TechCrunch via Endless Supplies .Mx - Brands

Estás trabajando mal: así puedes ganar una semana libre al año

No, no estamos ante una fórmula mágica mediante la cual hayamos dado con el método de extraer siete días adicionales de la jornada laboral sin nada a cambio. Bueno, en realidad es así, pero con sus matices. Entrepreneur...
by Jose Mendiola via Endless Supplies .Mx - News

Doug packs a suitcase worth of clothes in a carry-on

Gadget reviewer Doug Aamoth goes on a six-day trip and manages to stuff all of his clothes into a computer bag that fits under the seat in front of him on the plane. He also stuffs all his feelings into little balls that he pushes way down into his tummy, only to let them out at family gatherings. Watch more Doug videos:
by TechCrunch via Endless Supplies .Mx - Brands

Bacardi retira un lote de ginebra Bombay Sapphire en el que "se le fue la mano" con el alcohol

La palabra "recall" (retirada) es posiblemente la que cualquier fabricante de productos de tecnología tema más. Las retiradas de productos del mercado, vienen, generalmente, impuestas, y quieren decir que no son seguros para el usuario....
by Jose Mendiola via Endless Supplies .Mx - News

Surface es maravilloso... ¿Por qué no triunfa?

Misión: recuperar las posiciones perdidas en el terreno de la movilidad. No vamos a hacer sangre del árbol caído pero desde el fatídico día en el que Ballmer se rió abiertamente del recién presentado...
by Jose Mendiola via Endless Supplies .Mx - News